Smart boards like Vibe Interactive Digital Whiteboard provide endless benefits to your business through versatility, and enabling seamless collaboration. They elevate your meetings, enhance your presentations, and wow potential clients. On top of that, you have the convenience of meeting, collaborating, and presenting from anywhere; no additional boards necessary.
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If you’ve been thinking of using smart whiteboards in meetings, but are still on the fence, here are some key benefits to using Vibe:
- All meeting participants can gain access to your Vibe interactive whiteboard sessions, without additional boards, even if they’re remote.
- All participants have the ability to comment, share files, make notes, conceptualize, and design.
- Mark up images in real-time, make notes, and share screens to support your creative flow.
- Integrate images, screenshots, and tools you already use to make your working sessions and presentations immersive and interactive.
- After the working session is over, easily export your board and distribute by email to provide a record of your creative work.
The best part is that it’s easy to set up and use, simply use the web conference whiteboard app Eshare, iOS AirPlay, or Vibes own screen-casting software, and you’ll be up and running in no time.