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Trusted by 7,200+ educators and institutesTrusted by 7,200+ educators

Elementary School
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Higher Education
Special Education

We love our Vibe Boards! They connect seamlessly with our technology, are user friendly, and even our youngest students can use them to learn.

Amy MiguraAssistant Principal | St. Patrick Catholic School

It should be the kids manipulating the board and the teacher just facilitating. The Vibe makes this possible.

Riego Castillo4th Grade ELP Teacher | Washington Elementary School, Salt Lake City

Vibe is an all-in-one teaching solution built for next level visual communication, class engagement and student collaboration!

Jordan OroscoMath Teacher | Deer Valley High School

It’s an active learning process that gets students engaged and gets them actively thinking, not just passively listening to material.

Dr. Austin AlexanderProfessor | Hardin-Simmons University

My lessons took place in a barn and the Vibe Board was a crucial piece of equipment which transformed the space into an ideal learning environment.

Taylor WilliamsLead Educator | RISE Programs for IDD students