case study tennis
case study tennis

Sports Training
How a Virtual Tennis Coach Increased his YouTube Following by 38% with Vibe
How a Virtual Tennis Coach Increased his YouTube Following by 38% with Vibe
Competitive offerings are priced 67% higher than the Vibe Board
New videos created with the Vibe Board
Subscriber growth since Westermann started using the Vibe Board on his YouTube channel
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It’s critical to be able to differentiate yourself in some kind of way, and I think the Vibe makes it really fun and easy to do that.
Ian Westermann
Founder of Essential Tennis
Engage on-court students
Differentiate from other tennis coaches
Expand online presence with engaging content
Why Chose Vibe
Open platform
Draw freely in an infinite space
Flexible use cases
More affordable
Use Cases
Annotate videos
Write & share notes with students
Create videos
Diagram tennis strategy

Meet Essential Tennis

Essential Tennis has been a pioneer in the digital instruction space. It offers some of the web’s most comprehensive digital courses—in fact, Essential Tennis is the top tennis instruction channel on YouTube, with more than 175,000 subscribers.

How Westermann chose Vibe

The openness of Vibe’s ecosystem immediately drew Westermann to the Vibe Board. As he puts it, Vibe “seemed like a very open platform where I could manipulate images, and text, and draw in a very open, freeform kind of way.” Westermann also noted that the Vibe Board was significantly less expensive than the competition.

How he uses the Vibe board on a daily basis

Westermann loves to use the Vibe Board for strategy diagramming, presentations, and video analysis. He regularly sets up the Vibe Board on the court during his students’ lessons so they can easily evaluate their form on video and quickly make adjustments. Even better, he can use the Vibe Board to annotate student footage and break down their technique frame-by-frame for easy coaching and instant feedback. Westermann also uses the Board to take detailed notes during each training session—notes that can be instantly saved and shared for future practice.

Favorite features

Westermann finds that in-depth video analysis is rare among tennis coaches. It’s no surprise that people ask what he uses to create content when he shares these instructional videos online. Vibe allows Westermann to contribute to the tennis community in a distinctive and refreshing way. As he says,

“I feel like if you’re a professional and you’re not differentiating yourself in any way from the way your job is normally done, then day after day, you’re just becoming more of a commodity and more replaceable,” he said. “I think being able to interact with technology [and with] media and create things of value—whether you’re a service provider or you create actual products—the better you can communicate, the more effective you’re going to be, the more valuable you’re going to be.”

Results using Vibe

Westermann has seen an upward trajectory in the content he’s able to create—and the audience he’s able to reach—using the Vibe Board. With more success on the court and on platforms like YouTube, he says that:

Vibe enabled me to communicate in more ways, and more interesting ways, so for me it’s super valuable.

He strongly believes that any tool that helps people convey their message in a more engaging and effective way is worth the investment, especially as a business owner and entrepreneur.


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