How I Vibe: Adam Elbendary, CEO of Cleverman, Inc.

Being a young CEO of a marketing start-up requires hustle. And with the need to move fast in a competitive market, you need tools that will keep pace with your ideas.
So when Adam Elbendary, CEO of digital marketing agency Cleverman, Inc., was building his business, he immediately began looking for the right digital whiteboard to keep his projects on the move.
Finding a solution
“I kept saying that I was going to get two whiteboards on wheels. Otherwise, I was going to be writing on the walls,” he joked. But he realized that he didn’t want something that required all of the painstaking writing, erasing, and making sure not to accidentally erase ideas. He wanted a clean design and an infinite canvas.
“I looked at DTEN, SMART Board, and Jamboard, but I knew those weren’t for me,” he said. “The DTEN was something like $5,000 and I thought, ‘This isn’t for the creative environment; this is for professional services.’ I needed a collaborative space.” After learning about the Vibe Board, Elbendary found that it has everything he needs and more.
Ideate and brainstorm
With a roster of demanding Fortune 50 clients, Elbendary is constantly developing unique marketing plans with his team. Having the Vibe Board lets them brainstorm as a team, continuously switching between boards and collaborating between screens.
“From start to finish, from 40,000-foot views to the granular intricacies of the platform we’re building, we got it all done through Vibe. And it was amazing.”
Cleverman, Inc.’s clients are scattered across the globe, so reliable communication is imperative. The Vibe Board lets users take calls and notes simultaneously without having to switch between screens, paper notes, and devices; ideas and brainstorms can move seamlessly into planning and strategizing. Elbendary said that the fact that he can be on a Zoom meeting while taking notes on the board lets him stay engaged while still on the call.
As a self-professed “mover and shaker,” Elbendary doesn’t like to wait too long before jumping on a good idea. So when his best friend and agency co-founder came up with an app concept in January 2020, they were quick to take action.
“We took the idea to a venture studio in mid-February, and we’re just about done with the platform now,” he said. “We wouldn’t have been able to move as fast without the tools that we had, and one of those very important tools was Vibe, 100 percent.”
More possibilities
Using the board for multiple purposes worked well for a recent client project. When designing the website for Casanova Meats, they were able to screenshot all of the vital documents and images before beginning work.
“I was able to export the PDF with the assets and send it to the developer along with a Loom file that walked through the PDF. The way that the Vibe Board integrates everything is absolutely great,” Elbendary said.
The all-in-one nature of the Vibe workspace has already helped him on tight deadlines. In the space of one day, Elbendary was able to work through his client’s value proposition, how they align and differentiate with their competitors, and how the messaging would play out in their next round of marketing.
“Because I had Vibe, I was able to switch through and make quick decisions as to what ads were going to get out before Memorial Day,” he explained. “I do all of that on Vibe,” often using the sticky notes or marker feature to color-code each element of whichever platform or ad he’s working on.
The app integration comes into play when it’s time to relax, too. Elbendary will occasionally allow time for himself and catch up on some of his favorite Netflix shows, laughing while explaining, “The Netflix integration is great, so I can lie to myself and act like I’m taking some downtime for myself.” We think it’s safe to say it won’t be long before he’s back to working on another project again.
Vibe offers a collaborative solution combining an interactive digital whiteboard and innovative smart software. Increase engagement and efficiency at your brainstorming sessions, virtual training, and classroom sessions by integrating your favorite applications with video conferencing and an infinite, mess-free writing canvas! Collaborate today with Vibe.
Looking for the latest in interactive whiteboard technology? Check out Vibe today!